The Cashmere Stitch creates a pattern of blocks on the canvas. This stitch may be worked diagonally,
Cashmere Stitch (Diagonal Method):
This stitch may be worked left to right or right to left. In this demonstration, we will be working left to right. Bring the needle up at A, go up diagonally to the right over 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at B. Move over to the left 1 canvas thread and down 2 canvas threads. Bring the needle up at C. Go up diagonally to the right over 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at D. Move over to the left 2 canvas threads and down 3 canvas threads and bring the needle up at E. Go up diagonally to the right over 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at F. Mover over to the left 1 canvas thread and down 2 canvas threads. Bring the needle up at G. Go up diagonally to the right over 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at H. This completes the first Cashmere Stitch. Starting where we left off at H, move down 2 canvas threads and bring the needle up at I. Go up diagonally to the right over 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at J. Continue working this stitch in the same manner as the first, until you bring the needle down at P.
The second row is worked in the opposite direction (bottom to top). Starting where we left off at P, go up 2 canvas threads and move to the left over 1 canvas thread. Bring the needle up at J. Go up diagonally to the right over 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at Q. Move to the left over 2 canvas threads and down 1 canvas thread, bringing the needle up at U. Go up diagonally to the right over 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at R. Continue in this manner until row is complete.
Cashmere Stitch (Horizontal Method):
Again, this stitch may be worked from right to left or left to right. In this demonstration, we will be working right to left. Bring the needle up at A. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at B. Move over to the left 2 canvas threads and down 1 canvas thread, bring the needle up at C. Move up diagonally to the right across 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at D. Move over to the left 2 canvas threads and down 1 canvas thread, bring the needle up at E. Move up diagonally to the right across 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at F. Move over the left 2 canvas threads and down 1 canvas thread, bring the needle up at G. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at H. This completes the first horizontal cashmere stitch.
To start the second stitch, we begin where we left off at H. Move down 3 canvas threads and over to the left canvas threads and bring the needle up at I. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at E. As you can see, the second stitch will work into the canvas spaces shared by the first stitch. Continue working in this manner until the horizontal row is complete. Start the second row under the first and work it in the opposite direction.
Cashmere Stitch (Vertical Method):
Again, this stitch may be worked from right to left or left to right. In this demonstration, we will be working from left to right. Bring the needle up at A. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at B. Move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 1 canvas thread and bring the needle up at C. Move up diagonally to the right across 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at D. Move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 2 canvas threads, bring the needle up at E. Move up diagonally to the right across 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at F. Move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 1 canvas thread, bring the needle up at G. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at H. This completes the first vertical cashmere stitch.
Starting where we left off at H, move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 2 canvas threads and bring the needle up at I. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at G. Continue in this manner until the second stitch is completed at P.
Now, we move on to the next row of stitches. Beginning where we left off at P, move down 1 canvas thread and over to the right 1 canvas thread and bring the needle up at Q. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at R. Move to the left over 2 canvas threads and down 1 canvas thread, bring the needle up at S. Move up diagonally to the right across 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at T. Continue in this manner until the row of vertical stitches are complete.

Cashmere Stitch (Condensed Method):
Again, this stitch may be worked from right to left or left to right. In this demonstration, we will be working from left to right. Bring the needle up at A. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at B. Move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 1 canvas thread and bring the needle up at C. Move up diagonally to the right across 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at D. Move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 2 canvas threads, bring the needle up at E. Move up diagonally to the right across 2 canvas intersections and bring the needle down at F. Move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 1 canvas thread, bring the needle up at G. Move up diagonally to the right across 1 canvas intersection and bring the needle down at H. This is where the cashmere stitch becomes condensed. Instead of skipping a space and starting the next stitch, we continue with no space. Starting where we left off at H, move down 2 canvas threads and over to the left 1 canvas thread and bring the needle up at I. Continue in this manner until the row is complete at T.
horizontally or vertically. Each method is demonstrated below, along with the condensed cashmere stitch. When worked using two colors, the cashmere stitch can create a striped appearance. This stitch is excellent when used as a background stitch. Remember, however, because it is a diagonal stitch, it tends to warp the canvas. To help prevent this from happening, keep your stitch tension even and not overly tight. One diagram has been used to demonstrate the diagonal cashmere stitch, as well as one diagram for the horizontal method and one diagram for the vertical method.
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