Chain Stitch, Interlaced - Diagram 1
Chain Stitch, Interlaced - Diagram 2
Chain Stitch, Interlaced - Diagram 3
Although the Interlaced Chain Stitch is considered an embroidery stitch, it works extremely well when
used on canvas. This is a decorative stitch that consists of regular chain stitches, interlaced with small, looped stitches (hence the name, interlaced chain stitch). The interlacing stitches should be worked in a color that contrasts with the chain stitch color. It is recommended that a thin yarn, like metallic thread, be used for the interlacing. A yarn that is too thick will cover the original chain stitch and the true effect of this stitch will be lost. The interlaced chain stitch is not appropriate for any piece that will have heavy wear. Three diagrams have been used to demonstrate this stitch. 
Interlaced Chain Stitch (Diagram 1):
Bring the needle up at A, move down over two canvas threads and form a loop. Holding the loop in place with your thumb, bring the needle down at A. Bring the needle up at B, move OVER the first chain stitch (chain stitch A), form a loop and bring the needle down at B. This second chain stitch will hold the first chain stitch in place. Bring the needle up at C, move OVER chain stitch B, form a loop and bring the needle down at C. Again, this chain stitch will hold the previous chain stitch in place. Bring the needle up at D, move OVER chain stitch C, form a loop and bring the needle down at D. Bring the needle up at E, move OVER chain stitch D, form a loop and bring the needle down at E. Bring the needle up at F, move OVER chain stitch E, form a loop and bring the needle down at F. At the end of each row, you will need to add a small anchor stitch in order to hold the last chain stitch in place. Now, continue on to Diagram 2...
Interlaced Chain Stitch (Diagram 2):
This is where we add the interlacing. The interlacing is illustrated in dark blue. Bring the needle up at A, follow the red arrows around the first chain stitch, under the second chain stitch, around to the first chain stitch, then under the first chain stitch and continue down to the next chain stitch. Although it sounds a little complicated, if you simply follow the arrows in the above diagram, the pattern will turn out to be very easy. Continue working the interlacing in this manner until you reach the end of the row. At the end of the row, tie off the interlacing. Then, continue on to Diagram 3...
Interlaced Chain Stitch (Diagram 3):
This is where we add the interlacing to the other side of the chain.. Again, the interlacing is illustrated in dark blue. Bring the needle up at A, follow the red arrows around the first chain stitch, under the second chain stitch, around to the first chain stitch, then under the first chain stitch and continue down to the next chain stitch. This side is worked exactly the same as the previous side. Continue working the interlacing in this manner until you reach the end of the row. Be sure to tie off the interlacing when you reach the end of the row.
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The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)The Four F's (Fish, Fowl, Flowers, Flutterbys)

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