correctly, it creates an interesting "star-like" pattern. The double star stitch is best used as a decorative stitch. It would not work well as a filling or background stitch. Four diagrams have been used to demonstrate this stitch.
Double Star Stitch (Diagram 1):
Bring the needle up at A, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at B. Bring the needle up at C, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at D. Bring the needle up at E, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at F. Bring the needle up at G, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at H. Bring the needle up at I, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at H.
Bring the needle up at J, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at F. Bring the needle up at K, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at D. Bring the needle up at L, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at B. Now, continue on to Diagram 2...

Double Star Stitch (Diagram 2):
Beginning where we left off at B, bring the needle up at M, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at N. Bring the needle up at O, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at P. Bring the needle up at Q, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at R. Bring the needle up at S, move down over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at T. Bring the needle up at U, move to the left over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at T. Bring the needle up at V, move to the left over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at R. Bring the needle up at W, move to the left over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at P. Bring the needle up at X, move to the left over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at N. Now, continue on to Diagram 3...
Double Star Stitch (Diagram 3):
Beginning where we left off at N, bring the needle up at Y, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at Z. Bring the needle up at AA, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at BB. Bring the needle up at CC, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at DD. Bring the needle up at EE, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at FF. Bring the needle up at GG, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at EE. Bring the needle up at HH, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at CC. Bring the needle up at II, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at AA. Bring the needle up at JJ, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at Y. Bring the needle up at KK, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at LL. Bring the needle up at MM, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at NN. Bring the needle up at OO, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at PP. Bring the needle up at QQ, move up over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at RR. Bring the needle up at SS, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at RR. Bring the needle up at TT, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at PP. Bring the needle up at UU, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at NN. Bring the needle up at VV, move to the right over four canvas threads, bring the needle down at LL. Now, continue on to Diagram 4...
Double Star Stitch (Diagram 4):
This diagram shows a complete double star stitch with a cross stitch in the center (as a filling stitch).
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