Renaissance Stitch Diagram
Renaissance Stitch:
Bring the needle up at A, move over 2 threads and down at B. Move the needle down 1 thread and bring needle up at C. Move up 2 threads (over previous horizontal stitch) and bring needle down at D. Move over 1 thread, bring needle up at E. Move up 2 threads, bring the needle down at F.

To start the next row, move down 2 threads and bring the needle up at G.Move over 2 threads, bring the needle down at H. Move down 1 thread , bring the needle up at I. Move up 2 threads and bring the needle down at C. Move over 1 thread, bring the needle up at J. Move up 2 threads and bring the needle down at E. Continue working the stitch vertically and then work the next rows (horizontal) into the existing holes (A and G).
The Renaissance Stitch is similar to the upright gobelin stitch, except that it 
is worked vertically. One diagram has been used to demonstrate this stitch.
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